


Site selection: choose moisture adequate but not waterlogging hazards and sunny environment, slightly overcast also; with slightly acidic soil, fertility in the above, in the sandy loam soil was good; avoid to choose drought and typhoon dangerous places, or on plant growth disadvantage.

Bedding and digging: furrow width 2m, unlimited length, about 3cm, according to 1m spacing digging, digging specification of 40 x 40 x 40cm. With the double ranks sik as well, so that is conducive to the management and flowers. Bedding when the amount of farmyard manure and planting soil mixing.

Planting: each point a small cluster of (3 ~ 5 strain), buried depth is 20cm, with a shading net and branches to the appropriate shade, enough water, 20 days after the removal of shades.


Management: plants survived after 10 ~ 15 days, one time fertilization or half after burying a farmyard manure. The growth state of the optic leaf watering and decide, when the blade slightly wilt can irrigate. Because the plant roots, stable growth can reduce watering frequency appropriate. Usually pay attention to the yellow leaf and stem thinning, for ventilation and flowers. Porcelain rose Zingiberaceae plants, plants contain pungent rhizome and leaf, so the pests and diseases. Leaves or flowers occasionally pest harm, should pay attention to observation, timely spraying of insecticides to control.


Flowers: grow molding plant about 1 years in succession in the two season to see the flowers, flower rich, centralized flowering season, every 5 ~ 20 branches unequal plexus. At this time should not forget to cut off the yellow leaves, flowers, flower bud to growth and profit recovery. The buds open, bloom can be harvested in pedicel, from the ground 10 ~ 15cm cut flowers, and timely inserted in water water. Because the porcelain rose petals is leathery, crisp and easy to wrinkle is damaged, should minimize the damage at harvest.